I have recently started using cgi. As I have to display port usage information about certain ports, I had written the following code:
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>PortInfo</title></head><body><center>"
echo "<h1>Port 80 Usage Info</h1>"
echo "<pre> $(lsof -i :80) </pre>"
echo "$(lsof -i :80 > /home/shine/Desktop/tmp.txt)"
echo "<pre> $(cat /home/shine/Desktop/tmp.txt) </pre>"
echo "<center>Information generated on $(date)</center>"
echo "</center></body></html>"
Method 1:
The problem over here is that the echo "<pre> $(lsof -i :80) </pre>"
does not give any output.
Method 2:
In this method echo "$(lsof -i :80 > /home/shine/Desktop/tmp.txt)"
never creates a file named tmp.txt on the desktop, as it is supposed to do.
Important Note: Both the methods specified above run perfectly once they are executed in the terminal.
So I kind of found the answer I was searching for, more like an alternative.
Somebody mentioned somewhere, something about cron scripts so, I did the following.
Step I:
sudo crontab -e
Enter 2
for nano editor
Add the following lines:
* * * * * lsof -i :80 > /home/shine/port80.txt
* * * * * lsof -i :3000 > /home/shine/port3000.txt
Note:The above lines of code will generate two text files containing port 80 & 3000 info in the current users' home directory every minute.
, enter
, ctrl+x
to save and exit.
Step II:
In apache's www directory Create a php file with the following code.
$output80 = shell_exec("cat '/home/shine/reports/port80.txt'");
echo "<pre>$output80</pre>";
$output3000 = shell_exec('cat "/home/shine/reports/port3000.txt"');
echo "<pre>$output3000</pre>";
This is the only way I can think of at this moment to make lsof work on a web page.