I Have Problem About this count Keyword after that appear that stuff
Here Code
Public Sub searchayumiKn()
Dim myKeyWords() As String = TChat.Text.Split(" "c)
Dim mySQLQuery As String = "SELECT AIRes FROM T_GKnowledge WHERE "
Dim KeyWordCount As Integer
For KeyWordCount = 0 To myKeyWords.Length - 1
Dim strKeyParameter As String = String.Format("@Param{0}", KeyWordCount)
Dim strWhereClause As String
If KeyWordCount = 0 Then
strWhereClause = String.Format("Keyword LIKE {0}", strKeyParameter)
strWhereClause = String.Format(" OR Keyword LIKE {0}", strKeyParameter)
End If
mySQLQuery &= strWhereClause
cmdhikari.Parameters.AddWithValue(strKeyParameter, String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", "%", myKeyWords(KeyWordCount)))
With cmdhikari
.CommandText = mySQLQuery
.Connection = conayumi
End With
dthikari = New DataTable
answers.DataBindings.Add("text", dthikari, "AIRes", True)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Caution")
End Try
KeyWordCount = 0
End Sub
Got Error @param bla". can anyone delete this count? i just need original of data record. Not Count every time. just not using count. so freely record
move out from for this declaration
Dim strKeyParameter As String = String.Format("@Param{0}", KeyWordCount)
Dim strWhereClause As String
it's make duplicate declaration the same parameter
hopefully could be useful
regards Ade Nurhuda