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How do I handle perspective projections in OpenGL?

I am currently writing a basic rendering demo using Haskell's OpenGL bindings. The problem is that it can barely handle 2000+ vertices. My pseudo-code amounts to this:

terrain = The set of points generated from [-1...1] x [-1...1] x [-1...1].
camera = Camera at position (xc, yc) with angles (ax, ay, az).
while running:
    input = anything that moves the camera's position or angles
    projected = []
    for point in terrain:

The problem (I believe) is that I am manually converting each of my three dimensional points into two dimensions and then using OpenGL to plot those points.

My question is: should I be feeding OpenGL three dimensional points and then using whatever projections OpenGL has baked in?

(I feel like I understand how perspective projections work - I'm just unsure if I should be doing this manually.)


The following is, for the most part, my code. I've left out sections that I feel are self-explanatory given only the function definition.

main :: IO()
main = do
    (_progName, _args) <- getArgsAndInitialize
    initialDisplayMode $= [DoubleBuffered]
    _window <- createWindow "Hello, World"
    -- The camera position followed by pitch, yaw and roll.
    camera <- newIORef Camera [0,0,0] 0 0 0
    displayCallback $= display camera

display :: IORef Camera -> DisplayCallback
display camIO = do
    camera <- get camIO
    clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]
    clear [ColorBuffer]
    renderPrimitive Points $ mapM_ vertex 
        $ map perspectiveProjection camera points
    postRedisplay Nothing


  • As you guessed correctly, rolling out your own projection algorithm can be very slow. Also, unless you're doing something extremely complicated, OpenGL(or more specifically GLU) has a set of functions that solves most of your problems.

    The simplest way to do a traditional perspective projection is to have a camera with a position, look-to point and up vector. Personally, I find this simpler than defining the camera axis with rotation angles. Once you have this, you could have your display function like this:

    import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GLU.Matrix
    display :: IORef Camera -> DisplayCallback
    display camIO = do
        camera <- get camIO
        perspective fov aspect zNear zFar
        lookAt (position camera) (lookAt camera) (upVector camera)
        -- call clear functions
        -- call renderPrimitive with the untransformed points.

    The lookAt function changes the camera position and direction, give the camera attributes. The perspective is a function that takes information about the camera and window, and creates a proper perspective projection. If you find it to not give enough control about the projection, you could use frustum from Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans instead.

    PS.: the correct way to do this would be to have a setup function, which setups the projection matrix, and have the display function change the modelview matrix, if necessary. The above code, however, should work.

    PS2.: as pointed out in a comment, the way to implement this depends heavily on the OpenGL version, and I don't know which versions of OpenGL haskell supports. This implementation is based on OpenGL 2.1 and below.