I am reading a bunch of queries from a database. I had an issue with the queries not closing, so I added a CommandTimeout. Now, the individual queries read from the config file each time they are run. How would I make the code cache the int from the config file only once using a static nullable and getter. I was thinking of doing something along the lines of:
static int? var;
get{ var = null;
if (var.HasValue)
...(i dont know how to complete the rest)
My actual code:
private object QueryMethod(string item)
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(item))
using (SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand())
sql.CommandTimeout = 30;
sql.CommandText = _cmdText;
sql.Connection = connection;
sql.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
return false;
var is a system keyword - don't use it
V1 - in this version you expect config to have a value, otherwise error will occur
static int? _timeout = null;
private static int GetTimeout()
if (_timeout != null) return (int)_timeout;
_timeout = GetTimeoutFromConfig();
return (int)_timeout;
V2 - in this version you will use default value if config is empty
static int? _timeout = null;
private const int def_timeout = 120;
private static int GetTimeout()
if (_timeout != null) return (int)_timeout;
int? to = GetTimeoutFromConfig();
_timeout = (to ?? def_timeout);
return (int)_timeout;
converting from config
private int? GetTimeoutFromConfig()
int val;
bool converted = int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TimeoutValue"], out val);
return (converted ? val : null);