First I'm using mvvmcross version 3.0.13
. When a class is inherited from a base class, which is inherited from MvxViewModel
, the Init method won't be called from IoC. Current ugly workaround is to call the Init in the constructor. Could this be a bug or is there another pattern to use?
In both classes (base and child of that base) it won't be called. For example:
public class BaseViewModel : MvxViewModel
protected CDataImportService DataImportService { get; private set; }
protected CSettingService SettingService { get; private set; }
protected CDataService DataService { get; private set; }
protected CDocumentService DocumentService { get; private set; }
public BaseViewModel(IDataService objDataService, IDataImportService objDataImportService, IDocumentService objDocumentService, ISettingService objSettingService)
DataImportService = (CDataImportService)objDataImportService;
SettingService = (CSettingService)objSettingService;
DataService = (CDataService)objDataService;
DocumentService = (CDocumentService) objDocumentService;
public void Init()
Mvx.Trace("Init called in {0}", GetType().Name);
public class DocumentsViewModel : BaseViewModel
public MenuViewModel(IDataService objDataService, IDataImportService objDataImportService, IDocumentService objDocumentService, ISettingService objSettingService)
: base(objDataService, objDataImportService, objDocumentService, objSettingService)
IOC on it's own does not call the Constructor-Init-Reload-Start sequence.
IOC is a general C# service, and only calls the constructor part.
If you want the entire sequence called then you can access this via the IMvxViewModelLoader object - e.g Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewModelLoader>().LoadViewModel(MvxViewModelRequest<MyViewModel>.GetDefaultRequest(), null);
By default, this will use the Default ViewModel Locator to create a view model instance -
If it helps, for some more information: