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Drawing east and west line in the circle?

I am currently building a small compass app and I have drawn the north and south line using simple circle equation: x= a+r Cos(t) and y= b+ r Sin(t) where t=heading or direction in degree(angle). More info in Wiki

So far I have manged to get the north and south line. Here is my work

    //canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, paint)

    //Drawing North
        canvas.drawLine(cxCompass, cyCompass, 
                (float)(cxCompass + radiusCompass * Math.sin((double)(-direction) * 3.14/180)), 
                (float)(cyCompass - radiusCompass * Math.cos((double)(-direction) * 3.14/180)), 

    //Drawing South
        canvas.drawLine(cxCompass, cyCompass, 
                (float)(cxCompass - radiusCompass * Math.sin((double)(-direction) * 3.14/180)), 
                (float)(cyCompass + radiusCompass * Math.cos((double)(-direction) * 3.14/180)), 

My problem: I don't know how do we get the east and west line?

CxCompass, CyCompass: coordinates of circle center


  • Fixed the issue by adding 90 degrees. I am happy to share it

                //Drawing west
            canvas.drawLine(cxCompass, cyCompass, 
                    (float)(cxCompass + radiusCompass * Math.sin((double)(-direction-90) * 3.14/180)), 
                    (float)(cyCompass - radiusCompass * Math.cos((double)(-direction-90) * 3.14/180)), 
            //Drawing east
            canvas.drawLine(cxCompass, cyCompass, 
                    (float)(cxCompass - radiusCompass * Math.sin((double)(-direction-90) * 3.14/180)), 
                    (float)(cyCompass + radiusCompass * Math.cos((double)(-direction-90) * 3.14/180)), 