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Perl HTML::Strip->parse doesnt ignore  

I am currently using perl HTML::Strip to extract text from my HTML file, however i have run into a minor problem with HTML specific spaces ie the " ". For some reason HTML::Strip->parse() doesnt seem to work in this instance. I know i can run the replace command later on. But i was checking to see if there another way i can accomplish this by tweaking the new() constructor? Thanks in advance

Perl Code:

my $hs = HTML::Strip->new();
my $line = join('',@htmlSource);
my $clean_text = $hs->parse( $line );
push @processedLines,  grep { /\S/ } split (/\n/,$clean_text);
foreach my $f  ( @processedLines ) {
  print "$f\n";

Sample Output:

MtrTempEst_Init1 (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases passed)
LeadLagFilt (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases failed)
AssMechFiltInit (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases passed)

Sample Dataset:

<table bgcolor="white" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="center">
            <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="white" border="0">
                    <tr bgcolor="#dcdcdc">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_module_notok.jpg"/>
                    <td colspan="3" width="1%">
                        <font face="tahoma" size="-2" color="black">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_check_notok.gif"/>
                    <tr bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_module_notok.jpg"/>
                    <td colspan="2">
                        <font face="tahoma" size="-2" color="black">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_check_notok.gif"/>
                    <tr bgcolor="#dcdcdc">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_ok.jpg"/>
                            <a href="#CBD_UnitTest:MtrTempEst:ts_MtrTempEst_Init1"><font face="tahoma" size="-2" color="black">
                                MtrTempEst_Init1 (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases passed)
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_check_ok.gif"/>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FF0000">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_notok.jpg"/>
                            <a href="#CBD_UnitTest:MtrTempEst:ts_LeadLagFilt"><font face="tahoma" size="-2" color="white">
                                <b>LeadLagFilt (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases failed)</b>
                    <td width="1%">
            <a name="LeadLagFilt_0"></a>
            &nbsp;                      </td>
                    <td width="1%">
            &nbsp;                      </td>
                    <td width="1%">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_check_notok.gif"/>
                    <tr bgcolor="#dcdcdc">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                    <td width="1%" bgcolor="white">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_ok.jpg"/>
                            <a href="#CBD_UnitTest:MtrTempEst:ts_AssMechFiltInit"><font face="tahoma" size="-2" color="black">
                                AssMechFiltInit (C1-Coverage: 100.00 %, 1 out of 1 Testcases passed)
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                    <td width="1%">
                        <img border="0" src="pictures/batch_check_ok.gif"/>


  • Figured out the answer from the link to HTML::Entities above. Thx @edibleEnergy

    use HTML::Strip;
    use HTML::Entities;
    my $hs = HTML::Strip->new();
    my $line = join('',@htmlSource);
    _decode_entities($line, { nbsp => "" }, 1);
    my $clean_text = $hs->parse( $line );
    push @processedLines,  grep { /\S/ } split (/\n/,$clean_text);
    foreach my $f  ( @processedLines ) {
      print "$f\n";

    I understand that we could just use the simple replace here (ie s/\ //g) But the above example works for instance with or without the ";" at the end. Please check the link provided in the @edibleEnergy's answer.