Through a series of loops and Database calls (Select statements only) saved as datatables I am generating a .txt file with the values. It runs fine for a little while (19 rows...19 full loop cycles) then I get a runtime exception being thrown by connection.Open()
I have the entire loop inside a try catch block in order to catch the exception and produce the message then 2 blank lines then the stack trace.
I have tried to read this and figure out what to do but I am a bit of a Novice when it comes to DB connections. I have looked elsewhere but do not seem to find a question that quite fits my situation.
FYI: C# 4.0 Windows Form Application, Access DB
I am hoping to find some suggestions on where to begin looking. I am positive that my connection is closed when this error is thrown due to the validation i implemented as shown here:
internal IDbConnection GetConnection()
var connection = _assemblyProvider.Factory.CreateConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
_connectionState = connection.State.ToString();
if (_connectionState == "Open")
return connection;
catch (Exception exept)
throw new Exception(exept.ToString() + "\n\n" + exept.StackTrace.ToString());
This method is being called from here:
public DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string commandText, string tableName, DbParameterCollection paramCollection, CommandType commandType)
DataTable dtReturn;
IDbConnection connection = null;
connection = _connectionManager.GetConnection();
dtReturn = _dbAdapterManager.GetDataTable(commandText, paramCollection, connection, tableName, commandType);
if (connection != null)
return dtReturn;
public DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string commandText, string tableName, CommandType commandType)
return ExecuteDataTable(commandText, tableName, new DbParameterCollection(), commandType);
public DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string commandText)
return ExecuteDataTable(commandText, string.Empty, CommandType.Text);
//read from DB using a SQL statement and return a DataTable
internal static DataTable readDB(string SQL)
var dbHelper = new DbHelper();
using (IDbConnection connection = dbHelper.GetConnObject())
return dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(SQL);
Here is the loop (its kinda long and could probably be done better but I just want to find why its breaking after its worked several times)
The exception is thrown from the line that Reads:
DataTable iRecNum2ClaimRecNumFromClaim = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
inside this:
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Claim WHERE ClaimStatus <> 1";
DataTable allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1 = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
if (allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows.Count == 0)
string path = txtExtractFileLocation.Text;
if (txtExtractFileLocation.Text.Substring(txtExtractFileLocation.Text.Length - 2) == "\\\\")
path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);
if (path.Substring(path.Length - 1) == "\\")
path += "DI_Extract.txt";
path += @"\DI_Extract.txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@path))
for (int i = 0; i < allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows.Count; i++)
rNum = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][2].ToString().Trim();//Claim.InsuredRecNum
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Insured WHERE RecNum = " + rNum;
DataTable allInsuredByRecNum = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
lossDate = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][11].ToString().Trim();//Claim.LossDate
lossDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(lossDate)).Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
reportedDate = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][9].ToString().Trim();//Claim.ReportedDate
reportedDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(reportedDate)).Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
claim = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim();//Claim.ClaimNumber
if (chkIncludePaymentsForCurrentMonth.Checked == true)
direct = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][4].ToString().Trim();//Claim.DirectReserve
WP = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][5].ToString().Trim();//Claim.WPReserve
ceded = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][6].ToString().Trim();//Claim.CededReserve
direct = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][29].ToString().Trim();//Claim.MonthEndDirect
WP = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][30].ToString().Trim();//Claim.MonthEndWP
ceded = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][31].ToString().Trim();//Claim.MonthEndCeded
ced = Convert.ToDecimal(ceded);
wav = Convert.ToDecimal(WP);
ceded = ced.ToString("#.##");
WP = wav.ToString("#.##");
if (ceded == "")
ceded = "0";
if (WP == "")
WP = "0";
if ((allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][10].ToString().Trim() != null) &&
(allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][10].ToString().Trim() != ""))//Claim.WaiverDate
onWaiver = "YES";
onWaiver = "NO";
reinsPreNotice = "NO";
reinsCeded = "NO";
switch (allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][7].ToString().Trim())//Claim.CededPre
case "1":
reinsPreNotice = "YES";
case "2":
reinsCeded = "YES";
}//end switch
state = allRecsFromClaimNotStatus1.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim();//Claim.LossState
lName = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][1].ToString().Trim();//Insured.LastName
fName = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim();//Insured.FirstName
mi = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][2].ToString().Trim();//Insured.MI
policy = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][43].ToString().Trim();//Insured.PolicyNumber
DOB = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][10].ToString().Trim();//Insured.DOB
DOB = (Convert.ToDateTime(DOB)).Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
age = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][11].ToString().Trim();//Insured.TrueAge
issueAge = calculateAge(Convert.ToDateTime(allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][10].ToString().Trim()), //Insured.DOB
SQLString = "SELECT InsuredRecNum, RecNum FROM Claim WHERE InsuredRecNum = " + rNum;
DataTable iRecNum2ClaimRecNumFromClaim = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
rNum = iRecNum2ClaimRecNumFromClaim.Rows[0][1].ToString().Trim();
issueDate = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][45].ToString().Trim();//Insured.EffectiveDate
issueDate = (Convert.ToDateTime(issueDate)).Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
sex = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][13].ToString().Trim();//Insured.Gender
planCode = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][44].ToString().Trim();//Insured.PlanMnemonic
issueAmt = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][49].ToString().Trim();//Insured.BenefitAmount (Monthly Benefit Amount before Offset)
benefitPeriod = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][50].ToString().Trim();//Insured.BenefitPeriod
if (allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][54].ToString().Trim().Length == 2)//Insured.EliminationPeriod
eliminationPeriod = "0" + allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][54].ToString().Trim();
eliminationPeriod = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][54].ToString().Trim();
premiumAmount = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][48].ToString().Trim();//Insured.AnnualPremium
occupationClass = allInsuredByRecNum.Rows[0][55].ToString().Trim();//Insured.OccupationClass
//select only status = EXEC (0)
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Offset WHERE ClaimRecNum = " + rNum + " AND Status = 0";
DataTable allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0 = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
offsetAmt = 0;
dblSTDOffsetAmount = 0;
dblRecOffsetAmount = 0;
RECOffsetOcc = "0";
RECOffsetExecuted = "0";
int offsetCount = allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows.Count;
if (offsetCount != 0)
for (int j = 0; j < offsetCount; j++)
//accumulate standard offset (STD) and Recovery offset (REC)
if (allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows[0][1].ToString().Trim() == "0")//Offset.Type
//Standard Type
dblSTDOffsetAmount += Convert.ToDouble(allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows[j][4].ToString().Trim());//Offset.Amount
//Recovery type
dblRecOffsetAmount = Convert.ToDouble(allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows[j][4].ToString().Trim());//Offset.Amount
RECOffsetOcc = allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows[j][5].ToString().Trim();//Offset.Occurance
RECOffsetExecuted = allOffsetByClaimRecNumAndStatus0.Rows[j][6].ToString().Trim();//Offset.Executed
}//end if
}//end for loop
}//end if
STDOffsetAmount = dblSTDOffsetAmount.ToString();
RECOffsetAmount = dblRecOffsetAmount.ToString();
if (chkIncludePaymentsForCurrentMonth.Checked == true)
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Payment WHERE InsuredRecNum = " + rNum + " AND IssueDate >= #01/01/" + DateTime.Today.Date.Year + "# AND IssueDate <= #" + DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString() + "#";
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Payment WHERE InsuredRecNum = " + rNum + " AND IssueDate >= #01/01/" + endDate.Substring(endDate.Length - 4) + "# AND IssueDate <= #" + Convert.ToDateTime(endDate).Date.ToShortDateString() + "#";
DataTable allPaymentByIRecNumAndIssDateInRange = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
YTDPmt = 0;
if (allPaymentByIRecNumAndIssDateInRange.Rows.Count == 0)
YTDPmt = 0;
int paymentCount = allPaymentByIRecNumAndIssDateInRange.Rows.Count;
double issAmt;
for (int k = 0; k < paymentCount; k++)
issAmt = Convert.ToDouble(allPaymentByIRecNumAndIssDateInRange.Rows[0][30].ToString().Trim());//Payment.IssueAmount
YTDPmt += issAmt;
}// end loop
}//end if
YTDPmts = YTDPmt.ToString();
if (chkIncludePaymentsForCurrentMonth.Checked == true)
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Payment WHERE ClaimRecNum = " + rNum;
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Payment WHERE ClaimRecNum = " + rNum + " AND IssueDate <= #" + Convert.ToDateTime(endDate).Date.ToShortDateString() + "#";
DataTable allPaymentByRNum = dbConnect.readDB(SQLString);
totalPmt = 0;
if (allPaymentByRNum.Rows.Count == 0)
totalPmt = 0;
double issAmt = Convert.ToDouble(allPaymentByRNum.Rows[0][30].ToString().Trim());
for (int m = 0; m < allPaymentByRNum.Rows.Count; m++)
totalPmt += issAmt;
allPmts = totalPmt.ToString();
//set spacing for output
string block1 = policy + claim + planCode;
block1 = setSpacing(block1, 28);
string block2 = setSpacing(benefitPeriod, 3) + eliminationPeriod + occupationClass;
block2 = setSpacing(block2, 11);
issueAmt = setSpacing(issueAmt, 8);
STDOffsetAmount = setSpacing(STDOffsetAmount, 8);
RECOffsetAmount = setSpacing(RECOffsetAmount, 8);
RECOffsetOcc = setSpacing(RECOffsetOcc, 3);
RECOffsetExecuted = setSpacing(RECOffsetExecuted, 3);
string block3 = lossDate + age;
block3 = setSpacing(block3, 13);
issueAge = setSpacing(issueAge, 3);
string block4 = issueDate + DOB + sex + onWaiver + premiumAmount;
block4 = setSpacing(block4, 32);
reinsPreNotice = setSpacing(reinsPreNotice, 3);
reinsCeded = setSpacing(reinsCeded, 4);
double ap = Convert.ToDouble(allPmts);
allPmts = ap.ToString("#.#");
allPmts = setSpacing(allPmts, 8);
YTDPmts = setSpacing(YTDPmts, 8);
lName = setSpacing(lName, 19);
fName = fName + " " + mi;
fName = setSpacing(fName, 20);
string block5 = state + direct;
block5 = setSpacing(block5, 10);
ceded = setSpacing(ceded, 8);
WP = setSpacing(WP, 8);
reportedDate = setSpacing(reportedDate, 10);
//save row data for text file
dataOutput = (block1 + block2 + issueAmt + STDOffsetAmount + RECOffsetAmount + RECOffsetOcc + RECOffsetExecuted +
block3 + issueAge + block4 + reinsPreNotice + reinsCeded + allPmts + YTDPmts + lName + fName +
block5 + ceded + WP + reportedDate);
//Write to the output record DI_Extract.txt
pbrRecordsProcessed.Value = counter;
}//end for loop
}//end streamwriter
}//end if
After looking deeper into the code I realized that the connection was trying to open 3 times before it closed. Not sure why I was not getting exceptions all the time but correcting this issue not only sped up the application tremendously it cleared the exception.