My app has some activities and all work fine, but there is a problem, when i enter in my "rank" activity (it is based on tabhost) and then i return to the menu and go to "preferences" activity there is another asynctask which doesn´t download the image from a server. It always works, but not in this case...
The whole process is: "rank", here i declare 3 tabs, depending what i do i can see different ranks and i can see (using the same method than in "preferences" activity) the image of each player in rank, then i return (calling before it finish()) to main menu and i go to "preferences" where asynctask starts "downloading" the image but it do it in a very short time (because it doesn´t download the image).
First of all thank you! and to finish i have to say: sorry for my english.
I have solved it!! It was a bad written "key" in a intent... Stupid problem... Thank you!!