Data for my Y axis (each country) has figures in millions:
date: "1960",
germany: "72542990",
spain: "30327000",
france: "46621166",
italy: "50025500"
How do I write the .tickFormat(d3.format(""));
on my Y axis variable to format the tick values so they show up in the Y axis scale like this:
0, 20 million, 40 million, 60 million, 80 million
Currently they show up as 0, 20000000, 40000000, 60000000,80000000
Declare Formatter
formatValue = d3.format(".2s");
Use inside TickFormat
.tickFormat(function(d) { return formatValue(d)});
to replace M with million try this..
.tickFormat(function(d) { return formatValue(d).replace('M', 'million'); });