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xcode the signature was invalid contains disallowed entitlements Error in ios

I am developing since 2 years ios Projects few are uploaded to app store.

But today I found new error while uploading app with xcode4.6.2. I have searched a lot.! Also I realesed 1st version version of product in iTunes.

enter image description here

please help me to sove this problem. And

  1. I Revoke distributed cert. Delete provision.
  2. create new distributed certificate and using it generate new provision,
  3. I can see that cert in my keychain aceess.
  4. also able to get provision on xcode with labeled Valid Profile.
  5. The app build sucessfull without any error.

But still same error I found while uploading app on to appStore.


  • Solved issue... I have submitted the app from origin machine where the project was created... I don't know whether it is right ans or not.. But It works for me...