So I wrote this small application that will convert a decimal to octal, and it is outputting the right answer only it's backwards. An example would be that if the answer to the conversion was 17, the application would display it as 71. Any help would be much appreciated.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int octal, total = 0;
cout<< "please enter a decimal: ";
cin >> octal;
while(octal > 0)
total = octal % 8;
octal /= 8;
cout << total;
cout << endl;
return 0;
You need to take a sum and then print the final result, something like
int n=0;
while (octal > 0) {
total += (pow(10,n++))*(octal % 8);
octal /= 8;
cout << total << endl;
Just printing the digits will print them in reverse order since you are printing the smallest bits first.
As noted in the comments, the mechanism above will only work for converting to bases smaller than 10.