i have a Viewport3D that contains an Image, here's my code:
<MaterialGroup x:Key="mat1" >
<DiffuseMaterial >
<DiffuseMaterial.Brush >
<VisualBrush >
<VisualBrush.Visual >
<Grid Width="270" Height="638" Background="Red">
<Image Width="270" Height="638" Source="screenshot-1.Png"></Image>
</VisualBrush.Visual >
</VisualBrush >
</DiffuseMaterial.Brush >
</DiffuseMaterial >
</Window.Resources >
<Viewport3D x:Name="vp" UIElement.ClipToBounds ="False" Height="638" UIElement.IsHitTestVisible ="False" RenderOptions.EdgeMode ="Unspecified" >
<Viewport3D.Camera >
<PerspectiveCamera x:Name="camera" ProjectionCamera.Position="0,0,5" ProjectionCamera.LookDirection ="0,0,-1" PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView ="28" />
<Viewport3D.Children >
<ModelVisual3D >
<ModelVisual3D.Content >
<SpotLight PointLightBase.Position="0,0,30" SpotLight.Direction ="0,0,-1" Light.Color ="white" />
<ModelVisual3D >
<ModelVisual3D.Content >
<GeometryModel3D x:Name="gm3d" Material="{StaticResource mat1}" >
<GeometryModel3D.Geometry >
<MeshGeometry3D x:Name="plane3d" MeshGeometry3D.Normals ="0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1" MeshGeometry3D.TextureCoordinates ="0,1 1,1 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,1" MeshGeometry3D.Positions ="-1,-1,1 1,-1,1 1,1,1 1,1,1 -1,1,1 -1,-1,1" />
<Model3D.Transform >
<RotateTransform3D >
<RotateTransform3D.Rotation >
<AxisAngleRotation3D AxisAngleRotation3D.Axis="0,1,0" AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle ="0" x:Name ="rAngle" />
<Button Height="20" Width="30" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Click="Button_Click_2"></Button>
The problem is that the Image size is supposed to be like this:
but it looks like this when using the Viewport3D:
Is there anyone could help me, please?
The simple explanation to this is that you are putting a rectangular image on a square face.
A little more detailed explanation is that your MeshGeometry3D.TextureCoordinates
defines two triangles that cover your rectangular image and squeezes them into a square area defined by the values in MeshGeometry3D.Positions
Now there are many solutions depending on what you want to achieve. Let's start with a simple one:
Change your brush to have a square image. This will conserve the image's aspect ratio since by default, Image.Stretch
is Uniform
. Note that I have also changed the background to Transparent
<MaterialGroup x:Key="mat1" >
<DiffuseMaterial >
<DiffuseMaterial.Brush >
<VisualBrush >
<VisualBrush.Visual >
<Grid Width="800" Height="800" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="screenshot-1.Png"></Image>
</VisualBrush.Visual >
</VisualBrush >
</DiffuseMaterial.Brush >
</DiffuseMaterial >