I have written a program that watches over a directory and alerts when a file is added by a user, the file has specific format as user-name.files it works fine but when I press ok of the alert received of new file being added, the program exits, I want it it to stay running.
The below code I have written will run as child process of another PYQT application within that application. So in that I won't be executing main() but will just instantiate SendMyFiles object.
from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSlot
import sys
import os
class SendMyfiles(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(SendMyfiles, self).__init__()
self._lookInPath = "/Users/krystosan"
self.filesList = os.listdir(self._lookInPath)
print self.filesList
def watchMyfilesBin(self):
self.fileSysWatcher = QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher()
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.fileSysWatcher,QtCore.SIGNAL("directoryChanged(QString)"), self,
# get list of files as files
self.newFilesList = os.listdir(self._lookInPath)
def _connections(self):
def recievedfilesFromUser(self):
newUsrFile = list(set(os.listdir(self._lookInPath))^set(self.filesList))[0]
userRecvdFrom = newUsrFile.split(".")[0]
return userRecvdFrom
def slotDirChanged(self, userfiles):
userName = self.recievedfilesFromUser()
retVal = QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, "Hello %s" % os.getenv('USER'), "Recieved files from %s." % userName)
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
fileSysWatcher = QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher()
window = SendMyfiles()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Sorry, I cannot reproduce this one (OpenSUSE 12.3 x64, PyQt 4.9.6).
I took your code and added a line window.show()
to main()
(despite your comment saying that you were "doing window.show()
"). I also replaced the line
userRecvdFrom = newUsrFile(".")[0]
userRecvdFrom = newUsrFile.split(".")[0]
The former gives a runtime error because newUsrFile
is a string and you can't call it. I also changed the directory being watched as I don't have a directory with that name on my machine.
After doing this, I could reliably create files in the folder being watched and have the program pop up alert boxes. After each alert was dismissed the program stayed running.
So I can only speculate at what the problem might be. You say you are instantiating SendMyfiles
, in code that you have chosen not to share with us, but how long does this object stay in existence for? Do you keep a reference to this object, or is it only stored in a local variable and hence gets garbage collected at the end of a method? If you have a PyQt window object, and all references to it are lost, Python will garbage-collect it, which will cause the underlying Qt C++ object to be deleted and the window closed.