i am trying to send email from php i have one php file with all values & other php template file.
(both files are on same server)
i am using file_get_contents to get contents of php template file for example
if(($Content = file_get_contents($url. "?uname=".$a)) === false) {
$Content = "";
...... EMAIL Sending Code ..........
and here is code for emil_form.php (email template file)
Your Name is : <?php $_GET['uname']; ?>
so once i got data in $Content i can send it by email. but i am getting error unable to open file....
what i want is pass data from original php file to template php file and what will be output of template stored in variable so i can send it by email.
how can do this ?
The real problem would be that you try to read a local file with a http query string behind it. The file system don't understand this and looks for a file called "emil_form.php?uname=uname". $_GET / $_POST / etc only works over a http connection.
Try to put a placeholder like "%%NAME%%" in your template and replace this after reading the template.
$url = "emil_form.php";
$a = "uname";
if(($Content = file_get_contents($url)) === false) {
$Content = "";
$Content = str_replace('%%NAME%%', $a, $Content);
// sending mail....
Template will look like this:
Your Name is: %%NAME%%