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How to Create a Custom NDepend Rule to Check DI Registrations

we are using Autofac as our container for dependency injection. We would like to check various things using NDepend to ensure our DI is set up properly and not being misused (we have a very large solution).

In unit testing, I might take an approach:

private static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> TestCases
        return from registration in Container.Value
                from service in registration.Services
                where service is TypedService
                orderby service.Description
                select new TestCaseData(registration, service)


public void CanBeResolved(
    IComponentRegistration componentRegistration, 
    TypedService typedService)
    using (var scope = Container.Value.BeginLifetimeScope())

How can I create a custom rule within NDepend to ensure that all appropriate types are registered with the Autofac container?

Thanks, Richard


  • From comments, I can see I will write my own integration tests but hope in future to have this supported in NDepend.