I am storing a score for each of my users. Each score should be mapped to a rank. E.g., someone with a score of 17 would be ranked blogger
because blogger
has a score requirement of 15.
$score = 17;
$rank = array(
15 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Blogger', 'profile_rank_image' => 'blogger.png'),
18 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'News Editor', 'profile_rank_image' => 'news_editor.png'),
23 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Researcher', 'profile_rank_image' => 'researcher.png'),
29 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Publications Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'publications_assistant.png'),
36 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Editorial Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'editorial_assistant.png'),
45 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Copy Editor', 'profile_rank_image' => 'copy_editor.png'),
Because, in this instance, score is 17 then $rank[15] should be returned. Because $score is greater or equal than 15. How could I go about this?
Uksort sorts an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function. I'm not sure how it's working internally. In the below function what is $a and what is $b?
if( ! function_exists('cmp'))
function cmp($a, $b)
return $a;
uksort($rank, "cmp");
Edit: I notice the ambiguity in my question, I apologies as iut's 3am and I'm not thinking as clearly as I would normally. Thank you all for replies. I must think of rephrasing the question.
Accepted Answer
public function get_profile_rank($score)
/* This method exists as an optimisation effort. Ranks are defined within the database table `author_profile_rank`.
* When we don't need application functionality on ranks and we only need to display the rank name and image we
* call this method. It saves using a table join to retrieve the rank name and image.
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19886351/returning-an-array-key-based-on-a-integer/19886467?noredirect=1#comment29583797_19886467
if($score <= 17)
return array('profile_rank_name' => 'Blogger', 'profile_rank_image' => 'blogger.png');
elseif($score >= 45)
return array('profile_rank_name' => 'Copy Editor', 'profile_rank_image' => 'copy_editor.png');
$ranks = array(
23 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Researcher', 'profile_rank_image' => 'researcher.png'),
29 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Publications Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'publications_assistant.png'),
36 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Editorial Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'editorial_assistant.png'),
$lower = function($val) use ($score)
if($val <= $score) return TRUE;
return $ranks[max(array_filter(array_keys($ranks), $lower))];
This does exactly what you want ;)
$score = 17;
$rank = array(
15 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Blogger', 'profile_rank_image' => 'blogger.png'),
18 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'News Editor', 'profile_rank_image' => 'news_editor.png'),
23 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Researcher', 'profile_rank_image' => 'researcher.png'),
29 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Publications Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'publications_assistant.png'),
36 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Editorial Assistant', 'profile_rank_image' => 'editorial_assistant.png'),
45 => array('profile_rank_name' => 'Copy Editor', 'profile_rank_image' => 'copy_editor.png'),
$keys = array_keys($rank);
$lower = function ($val) use ($score){
if($val <= $score) return true;
$key_res = array_filter($keys, $lower);
$user_rank = $rank[max($key_res)];
array (size=2)
'profile_rank_name' => string 'Blogger' (length=7)
'profile_rank_image' => string 'blogger.png' (length=11)