I just installed Steve Francia's "Ultimate Vim Distribution" on a fresh copy of OS X Mavericks, and I'm having some difficulty with getting the color scheme to work properly in Vim. The problem is that certain text is being highlighted (the background color is set)...
I've been fighting to figure this out, but I'm stuck. I don't understand where these colors for the highlighted text are coming from, or why it's different for different text. Any ideas?
p.s. I'll be happy to provide more information about my setup if it's needed.
I can't tell about why the colors are different, maybe the examples were taken with a different terminal?
But I can tell why some words are highlighted! That's very likely because you have spell-check enabled. See this question that asks about highlighted text in vim. To remove spell-checking, simply do:
:set nospell
or put
set nospell
in your .vimrc