I did an app to export all my policies in a excel file but is not exporting all my information
Here is the query in mysql
select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC
i got 11,408 total when i executed it on mysql
Here is my controller
@search = Policy.find_by_sql("select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC ")
@policies = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
@results = @search
respond_to do |format|
format.xls { send_data render_to_string(:partial=>"report"), :filename => "Report.xls" }
Here is my view
<%= link_to "Export Excel",{:controller=>"policy",:action=>"report", :format=>"xls",:page => params[:page] } %>
Here is my partial view
<% @results.each do |policy| %>
<%= policy.num_policy %>
<% end %>
Actually is only exporting 5078 rows and i should have 11,408
Someone can help me with this?
I will really appreciate help
Here is my last log
Rendered policy_management/policy/_report_by_ejecutive (42929.2ms)
Sending data Report_2013-11-11.xls
Completed in 43533ms (View: 0, DB: 0) | 200 OK []
You should use batch query ActiveRecord Batch query
@search = Policy.find_by_sql("select * from policies where deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state= 1) ORDER BY state ASC ")
@search = Policy.where("deleted = 0 AND (state = 0 OR state = 1)").order("state ASC")
In your partial
<% @results.find_each(:batch_size => 1000) do |policy| %>
<%= policy.num_policy %>
<% end %>