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Read data separated with two colons in R

I am trying to read data separated with :: (two colons) in R. When I use sep = "::" with read.table function, I get an error message, "sep value must be one byte." I am wondering if I can read this data in R. I did not have any problem with reading this data in Python.

For now, I use sep=":" and then get NA's in columns that were the other ":". So I delete columns of NA's. Is there a way to read data directly by specifying sep = "::" in R?


  • Let's say we have:


    in a txt file. Then we can do:

    lines <- readLines("doublesep.txt")
    > lines
    [1] "A::B::C"    "23::34::56" "12::56::87" "90::43::74"
    lines <- gsub("::", ",", lines)
    > lines
    [1] "A,B,C"    "23,34,56" "12,56,87" "90,43,74"

    Now, you can either write to a file or convert to a data.frame object:

    > read.table(text=lines, sep=",", header=T)
       A  B  C
    1 23 34 56
    2 12 56 87
    3 90 43 74
    > writeLines(lines, "doubletosingle.csv")