I would like to force a squid proxy to use a proxy cache peer form everything related to Youtube.
My main squid server is on server A, it is a realy simple setup, with nearly no rules, everything is authorized.
Server A is linked to server B via OpenVPN. Server B also have a squid proxy set up and works well (tested with ssh tunnel, no problem).
On server A I have added theses rules :
acl youtube_videos_regx url_regex -i ^http://[^/]+\.youtube\.com/videoplayback\?
acl youtube_videos_regx url_regex ^http://(.*?)/get_video\?
acl youtube_videos_regx url_regex ^http://(.*?)/videodownload\?
acl youtube_videos_regx url_regex ^http://(.*?)/videoplayback\?
acl youtube_videos dstdomain .youtube.com
acl youtube_videos dstdomain .youtube-nocookie.com
acl youtube_videos dstdomain .googlevideo.com
acl youtube_videos dstdomain .ytimg.com
cache_peer parent 3128 0 proxy-only no-query connect-timeout=5
cache_peer_access allow youtube_videos
cache_peer_access allow youtube_videos_regx
cache_peer_access deny all
But this doesn't seems to works :
1383861430.377 578 TCP_MISS/200 192976 GET http://r9---sn-5hn7ym7e.googlevideo.com/videoplayback? - HIER_DIRECT/ application/octet-stream
1383861430.636 935 TCP_MISS/200 238032 GET http://r9---sn-5hn7ym7e.googlevideo.com/videoplayback? - HIER_DIRECT/ application/octet-stream
1383861430.642 2353 TCP_MISS/200 238032 GET http://r9---sn-5hn7ym7e.googlevideo.com/videoplayback? - HIER_DIRECT/ application/octet-stream
1383861432.467 617 TCP_MISS/200 192976 GET http://r9---sn-5hn7ym7e.googlevideo.com/videoplayback? - HIER_DIRECT/ application/octet-stream
Sometimes it works :
1383860987.725 125 TCP_MISS/204 353 GET http://r20---sn-5hn7ym7r.googlevideo.com/generate_204 - FIRSTUP_PARENT/ text/html
Could it be because of the data type ?
If so, I don't know what kind of rule to add.
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I found how to solve my problem.
I just have to add this to my config file :
never_direct allow youtube_videos
never_direct allow youtube_videos_regx
These 2 lines, force squid to not use direct connection to my 2 acl.