(define (script-fu-create-camo image colA colB))
"Creates a camoflauge pattern on an image"
"Jeffrey Aylesworth <jeffrey@aylesworth"
"Copyright (c) 2009 Jeffrey Aylesworth"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-COLOR "Colour 1" '(50 0 0)
SF-COLOR "Colour 2" '(0 50 0))
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-create-camo" "<Image>/Filters/Render")
I am using Gimp 2.6 on Mac OS 10.6. The script is saved as ~/gimp-2.6/scripts/camoflauge.scm
, the script does not create a new item in the menu. What am I doing wrong?
I created a few script-fu scripts which I used on my mac. I always placed them in:
And on my register I would prepend the "<Image>/Filters/Render"
with an underscore, so _"<Image>/Filters/Render"
Hope this helps, been a while since I was messing with this.