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What does InvalidCobrandConversationCredentialsExceptionFault means?

I'm getting InvalidCobrandConversationCredentialsExceptionFault exception when trying to login a user. What is the reason for this exception?


  • InvalidCobrandConversationCredentialsExceptionFault – is usually because 120 mins or more have lapsed since the last time CobrandContext was created/renewed. We suggest that clients should renew the cobrand context every 90 mins(to be on safe side) or so… OR renew every time this exceptions comes.

    From Yodlee Aggregation SDK Quick Reference Guide:

    Yodlee suggests making a CobrantContext singleton object that is thread safe. A call is made to "getCobrandContext" method that is synchronized and either creates a new cobrand context (this operation is thread safe since the method is synchronized) or returns the existing object. Since all Yodlee interaction requires a Cobrand Context, it is guaranteed that this will always be every threads first interaction with Yodlee and guarantee Axis is initialized in a thread-safe model.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards, Prashant