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yui submit buttons and dispatch action

I'm using YUI 2.7.0 and Struts for my project and have a form with two submit buttons. One is for Save and the other is for Delete. The form submits to a DispatchAction. I've added the onclick listeners successfully, but the problem is that the form submits before the listeners execute. I need to set the dispatch parameter before the form submits. How do I do this? Below is what I have so far:

<form name="adminUserForm" method="post" action="">
  <input type="hidden" id="dispatch" name="dispatch" value="unspecified"/>
  <!-- other form fields here -->
  <input type="submit" value="Save User" id="saveUser">
  <input type="submit" value="Delete User" id="deleteUser">
<script type="text/javascript"> 
  function confirmDelete(msg)
    if (confirm(msg))
      return setDispatchMethod("delete");
      return false;
  function setDispatchMethod(methodName)
    dispatchField = document.getElementById("dispatch");
    dispatchField.value = methodName
    return true;
  var onClickSaveUser = function (e)
    return setDispatchMethod('save');
  var onClickDeleteUser = function (e)
    return confirmDelete('Are you sure you want to delete the user?');
  new YAHOO.widget.Button("deleteUser",   {onclick: {fn: onClickDeleteUser }});
  new YAHOO.widget.Button("saveUser",     {onclick: {fn: onClickSaveUser   }});


  • The problem is Yahoo's code for the Button widget handles the click event, and in it, they programatically submit the form. Their event handler is called before yours, so the form is submitted before your event handler even gets called.

    Here are some ideas (they all work):

    METHOD 1

    Handle the mousedown event instead of the click event (mousedown fires before click).

    var deleteUserButton = new YAHOO.widget.Button("deleteUser");
    deleteUserButton.on("mousedown", onClickDeleteUser);
    var deleteUserButton = new YAHOO.widget.Button("saveUser");
    deleteUserButton.on("mousedown", onClickSaveUser);
    //Using this, you can easily stop the form from submitting
    //by using YAHOO's event utility (by adding this code, you
    //will prevent the click event from firing as well).

    METHOD 2

    Use type=link instead of type=submit (default). They only submit the form if the type = submit (I haven't tested this enough to see if the form still submits by itself - you may have to manually call form.submit())

    new YAHOO.widget.Button("deleteUser", { type: 'link', onclick: { fn: onClickDeleteUser} });
    new YAHOO.widget.Button("saveUser", { type: 'link', onclick: { fn: onClickSaveUser} });

    METHOD 3

    Looking at their code, I noticed that they create a hidden field with the name of the button that was clicked to submit the form (ONLY that button). The input tag has to have a name attribute, and yours doesn't, so you would have to add one. Then on the server, you just check for that hidden field's value (your value attribute).

    No matter which of these methods you use, you should be using this to stop the form from submitting:
