I have to write a script that calls latest premium items on the home page of OpenCart from OsClass.
OpenCart is installed on the root of website, and OsClass is installed inside classifieds folder in the root.
../public_html/ (OpenCart is installed here)
../public_html/classifieds (OsClass is installed here)
www.example.com (OpenCart based main website)
www.example.com/classifieds (OsClass based Classifieds)
I basically need help from any senior, in finalizing the perfect method to get above requirement fulfilled.
Include this on the homepage of Opencart
require_once 'classifieds/oc-load.php';
$items = osc_query_item('premium=1');
// print_r($items);
Take a look at the function osc_query_item, you may want to modify the params to do display other items https://github.com/conejoninja/Osclass/blob/master/oc-includes/osclass/helpers/hItems.php#L1353