I've set up a Mavericks box with OS X Server and Xcode 5.01. My source code is on a git repo that I have to access via https with a username and password.
In Xcode (on the same machine), I've cloned the project, built it and run it to check that all is fine. Then I've created a bot, selected the current server and scheme, and hit "integrate now". It fails after 5 seconds. I get:
Cloning into 'https_code_saers_com_myproject'...
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://code.saers.com': Device not configured
I checked that Xcode5 could pull new commits, so it has the username and password, yet by bot does not. Also, the "Device not configured" confuses me.
Any suggestion to how I can explicitly set the Username and Password?
This may just be confusion in terminology, but the bot itself shouldn't be connecting to your repository. OSX Server does that. Before you can create a bot, you should've had to setup your repository in Server. When you do that, you get the opportunity to set username and password for accessing the repository.
It sounds like perhaps you have XCode configured to synch with your repository, but you must separately set up Server to access it as well. See the "XCode" tab in the Server app.