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Why do we bias the exponent of a floating-point number?

I'm trying to wrap my head around this floating point representation of binary numbers, but I couldn't find, no matter where I looked, a good answer to the question.

Why is the exponent biased?

What's wrong with the good old reliable two's complement method?

I tried to look at the Wikipedia's article regarding the topic, but all it says is: "the usual representation for signed values, would make comparison harder."


  • The IEEE 754 encodings have a convenient property that an order comparison can be performed between two positive non-NaN numbers by simply comparing the corresponding bit strings lexicographically, or equivalently, by interpreting those bit strings as unsigned integers and comparing those integers. This works across the entire floating-point range from +0.0 to +Infinity (and then it's a simple matter to extend the comparison to take sign into account). Thus for example in IEEE 754 binary 64 format, 1.1 is encoded as the bit string (msb first)


    while 0.01 is encoded as the bit string


    which occurs lexicographically before the bit string for 1.1.

    For this to work, numbers with smaller exponents need to compare before numbers with larger exponents. A biased exponent makes that work, while an exponent represented in two's complement would make the comparison more involved. I believe this is what the Wikipedia comment applies to.

    Another observation is that with the chosen encoding, the floating-point number +0.0 is encoded as a bit string consisting entirely of zeros.