I try to use the addendum library with Zend Framework 2 but I failed.
I tried to add it as a module by copying the addedum il to my \module\util directory. It dosent work.
Then I try something else. I copied the directory under \vendor and addendum like that:
// autoload_namespaces.php generated by Composer
$vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__);
$baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
return array(
'Zend\\' => $vendorDir . '/zendframework/zendframework/library/',
'ZendTest\\' => $vendorDir . '/zendframework/zendframework/tests/',
'Psr\\Log\\' => $vendorDir . '/psr/log/',
'Monolog' => $vendorDir . '/monolog/monolog/src/',
**'Addendum' => $vendorDir . '/addendum/',**
It dosen't work
So I tried to add it at the end od the init_autoloader.php like this:
$loader = new Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader();
$loader->registerNamespace('Addendum', __DIR__ . '/vendor/addendum');
When I try to instantiate a class like this:
$foo = new \ReflectionAnnotatedClass($obj);
I always have the same error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'ReflectionAnnotatedClass' not found in MyClass.php
use composer - and add there:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"zendframework/zendframework": "2.*",
"niktux/addendum": "dev-master"
then just php composer.phar install
Then composer autoloader should sort it out for you.