I am using the quantreg
package to run the following quantile regression in R:
bank <-rq(gekX~laggekVIXclose+laggekliquidityspread+lagdiffthreeMTBILL+
lagdiffslopeyieldcurve+lagdiffcreditspread+laggekSPret, tau=0.99)
and extract the coefficients and the summary statistic via
The results I get, are
Call: rq(formula = gekX ~ laggekVIXclose + laggekliquidityspread +
lagdiffthreeMTBILL + lagdiffslopeyieldcurve + lagdiffcreditspread +
laggekSPret, tau = 0.99)
tau: [1] 0.99
Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.03005 0.01018 -2.95124 0.00319
laggekVIXclose 0.00471 0.00069 6.81515 0.00000
laggekliquidityspread -0.01295 0.01619 -0.79976 0.42392
lagdiffthreeMTBILL -0.12273 0.12016 -1.02136 0.30717
lagdiffslopeyieldcurve -0.13100 0.06457 -2.02876 0.04258
lagdiffcreditspread -0.21198 0.15659 -1.35377 0.17592
laggekSPret -0.01205 0.46559 -0.02588 0.97936
However, I would like to know the R^2/adjusted R^2 - which the summary()
-command seems to deliver for simple OLS regressions, but not in case of quantile regressions.
Does anybody know, how to extract them?
In quantile regression, you don't have R-squared or adjusted R-squared. It's only pseudo R squared and is not reported in rq
as you would expect when you use summary
in lm
, but you can compute it as follows after estimation of the model bank.
rho <- function(u,tau=.5)u*(tau - (u < 0))
V <- sum(rho(bank$resid, bank$tau))
This is the answer provided by the author of the package "quantreg" here