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How do I tell a screen reader that a link is disabled?

I have a page with n sections. The sections are hidden and can only be shown by clicking their respective links.

On page load, only the first link is active and the rest n-1 links are href="#". Based on some logic, the other links are activated individually. How do I make a screen reader understand that the link is disabled or deactivated?


  • Assuming you would want screen readers to know that they are there, just disabled, I would use a button or link like so:

    <button disabled>Section name</button>
    <a href="#" role="button" aria-disabled="true">Section name</a>

    That would be good for a set of show/hide areas that are controlled by some external logic.

    Once enabled, you should also consider some attributes to let people know how it works:

    <a href="#" role="button" aria-pressed="false">Section name</a>
    <div aria-expanded="false">Content to show</div>

    When selected:

    <a href="#" role="button" aria-pressed="true">Section name</a>
    <div aria-expanded="true">Content to show</div>

    On the other hand, if it is an accordion (one at a time) then I would use the accordion here:

    You might not want to take on that framework, but just read the notes for accordions to understand it better.