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How to evaluate Spring EL in Spring EL

(Sorry if this is a duplicate, but the question is very search-engine-unfriendly.)

I want to know how to evaluate Spring EL inside EL (with all the functions, variables, context, etc. passed through).

Specifically, I want to dynamically evaluate a Spring Security expression (which is just EL plus some functions and contexts) loaded from a database entity inside a hard-coded EL in @PreAuthorize.

I.e. something like @PreAuthorize("eval(argument.securityExpr)").


  • You can extend Springs MethodSecurityExpressionRoot (and create it in your own MethodSecurityExpressionHandler) and add an eval method which excepts a String and let the SpringExpressionParser evaluate the String. Should work...


    A little code:

    public class MySpringSecurityRoot extends MethodSecurityExpressionRoot {
      private MyMethodSecurityExpressionHandler handler; // to be injected in the handler
      public boolean eval(String expression) {
        Expression expression = handler.getExpressionParser().parseExpression(expression);
        return ExpressionUtils.evaluateAsBoolean(
             handler.createEvaluationContext(authentification, methodInvocation));

    your handler must be set as the default method security expression handler:

      <security:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled">
        <security:expression-handler ref="myHandler"/>

    now your eval function is accessible in every method security expression

    BUT: You must be aware of the fact that the person who describes your security rule, can access all beans inside the current spring context! Might be a security leak.