as in asp we have function to send complete web page in email, which basically save lot of time for developer in creating & sending email
see the following code
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.From="[email protected]"
myMail.To="[email protected]"
myMail.CreateMHTMLBody "mywebpage.html",cdoSuppressNone
set myMail=nothing
as we know that CreateMHTMLBody will get data from mywebpage.html and send it as a body of email.
i want to know does any function like (CreateMHTMLBody) this is available in php ?
if Not can we crate any function if yes, please give me some hints.
Example below:
if(($Content = file_get_contents("somefile.html")) === false) {
$Content = "";
$Headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$Headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
$Headers .= "From: ".$FromName." <".$FromEmail.">\n";
$Headers .= "Reply-To: ".$ReplyTo."\n";
$Headers .= "X-Sender: <".$FromEmail.">\n";
$Headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP\n";
$Headers .= "X-Priority: 1\n";
$Headers .= "Return-Path: <".$FromEmail.">\n";
if(mail($ToEmail, $Subject, $Content, $Headers) == false) {