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Trying to set up Guardfile for web development, cannot add sub-directory check

I am trying to set-up a guardfile for a simple web development project.

I want it to check the HTML files in the current dir, and the CSS files in the ./css/ directory.

I am really new to regular expressions. I have managed to match the HTML files in the current directory with this regexpr ^.+\.html$.
I need to descend to the directory tree to access ./css/anyfile.css files.

I've tried this: ^(.+\.html)|(css/.+\.css)$. I am checking the regular expression with ls | egrep 'regexpr', running it at project root. I only get as result the .html file.

It seems weird that it doesn't work, because here using this block:

guard 'livereload' do
  # Rails Assets Pipeline
  watch(%r{(app|vendor)(/assets/\w+/(.+\.(css|js|html))).*}) { |m| "/assets/#{m[3]}" }

it can acess subdirectories such as app,public and config.


  • You need to escape the forward slash, so your regexp becomes ^(.+\.html)|(css\/.+\.css)$. You can use to check if the RegExp is a valid Ruby Regexp.