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OpenCMS - Best approach for showing rotating references

I would like to add on the right column of my site a rotating references section. Each reference would have some text + name of person + company name. It does not need to be structured (open text is also ok).

I would then want opencms to rotate between 20 difference references each time a page is displayed. I can keep a session scope counter holding which reference we last showed.

I need a way to manage the references (users not programmers) over time.

My question is which would be the best way to do so?



  • I would use structured content for the references (reference.xsd) and use the contentload-tag to loop through it. Then use any jquery script to to the rotation display, there are many scripts out there. Or maybe something like

    If you make the references structured, it will be easier for the end user to edit the references, while not messing up the layout.