I'm having problems with getting the correct route set up in my routes file. I have a controller for Events. Within the Events Controller I have an action called "people" which looks a little like this:
def people
@people = Event.find_by_sql(["sql that joins three tables to get the data I need;", params[:id]])
In my routes I have:
resources :events do
collection do
get :somethingelse
get :people
If I hardcode my params[:id] before my "find_by_sql" it works just fine when I visit ".../events/people" However, if I try to do something like ".../events/5/people" I get the "No route matches [GET] "/events/5/people" error.
I am sure I am missing something simple in my routes file. Can anyone provide me with the part that I am missing?
Yes it's not on collection, it's on member
collection do
get :somethingelse
member do
get :people