I have a collection view, and each item view is a composite view, which also has a item view. I want to listen to the events from this last (sub-sub) item view.
View.Block = Marionette.Layout.extend({
triggers: {
'click .content': 'block:click'
View.Category = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
itemView: View.Block
View.Categories = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: View.Category
In my controller I only have a reference to View.Categories:
var categories_view = new View.Categories({
collection: categories
Is it possible to listen to click events from View.Block
using Marionette's built-in view events? I tried categories_view.on('itemview:block:click')
but that won't work as View.Block isn't an item view of View.Categories
, but of View.Category
You'll need to use a module- or application-level event aggregator to achieve your objective:
events: {
"click .something": "triggerEvent"
triggerEvent: function(e){
myApp.trigger("something:clicked", e);
is the instance of your Marionette application.)
Then listen for that event:
myApp.on("something:clicked", function(e){
console.log("something was clicked");