public class CountryLookupTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String location1=null;
try {
int number=0;
LookupService citylookup = newLookupService("D://GeoLiteCity.dat",
FileReader fr =new FileReader("d:\\IP.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line;
while( (line = br.readLine()) != null ){
Location record = citylookup.getLocation(location1);
Site S[]= new Site[100];
S[number]= new Site(record.longitude,record.latitude);
System.out.println("longtitude " + S[0].getLongtitude());
System.out.println("latitude " + S[0].getLatitude());
public class Site {
private float longitude;
private float latitude;
public Site(float a, float b){
I use my main class to read txt that save ip address line by line and want to save them into object and save into array.
I test my code ,and i got run time error.
longtitude 121.524994
latitude 25.0392
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
and i add S[1] System.out.println("longtitude " + S[1].getLongtitude());
It show me the same problem and don't print S[1] value
I don't know what happened? I think i had assigned array obj?Thank you!
The problem is in the line:
Site S[]= new Site[100];
For each iteration you create a new array, so at the end it is only filled with null pointers. When you try to access the s[0] it is going to give you null pointer on second iteration.
That is why it first prints, but the second time you get a null pointer. First time the s[0] has a value, the second time it does not.