I am new to windows 8 phone. I am writing a calculator app that can only accept numbers in the textbox and just a single decimal point. how do I prevent users from inputting two or more decimal Points in the text box as the calculator cant handle that.
I have been using Keydown Event, is that the best or should I use Key up?
private void textbox_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e) {
Thanks all for the help. I finally did this and it worked very well in the Text changed event. That was after setting the inputscope to Numbers
string dika = Textbox1.Text;
int countDot = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dika.Length; i++)
if (dika[i] == '.')
if (countDot > 1)
dika = dika.Remove(i, 1);
Textbox1.Text = dika;
Textbox1.Select(dika.Text.Length, 0);