Today, I wanted to work on something else and I realized that Haxe was completley down. In fact, I can't compile any library. Even openfl doesn't work.
I tried to uninstall/reinstall Haxe without success.
I was currently working on my library project. Everything was working fine and suddenly, it became impossible to compile anything.
I restricted the problem to a minimal one.
So here is the project tree under haxe/lib folder near to every other libraries
Note: I tried to rename the folder to
and haxe threw me the following errorLibrary beluga version 0.1.0 is not installed
The content of the file Test.hx
package test;
class Test {
Now, if I create a new project. If I try to compile with
haxe -cp src -lib beluga -php bin -main Main
Please note that this works
haxe -cp src -cp ../../../lib/beluga/0,1 -php bin -main Main
It does not say that the beluga library is not found so it should be properly installed. Also, in FlashDevelop, the auto completion works fine. However, with a main like this:
package ;
import test.Test;
class Main {
static function main() { }
I have the following error:
src/Main.hx:2: characters 7-16 : Class not found : test.Test
Finally, the content of haxelib.json
"name": "beluga",
"license": "GPL",
"tags": ["php","neko","framework","game"],
"description": "\r\n\t\tBeluga is a video game framework.\r\n\t",
"contributors": ["masadow"],
"releasenote": "Initial version, not released yet",
"version": "0.1",
"url": "",
"dependencies": {
You can find the github repositories of the project here
Any idea ?
The problem is extremely weird and I think it is a Haxe compiler issue.
I'm using Windows and I wanted to add some routine stuff (like "doskey" commands) to my shell.
So I've add my custom routine file like that
reg add "hkcu\software\microsoft\command processor" /v Autorun /t reg_sz /d c:\bin\autorun.cmd
This is actually breaking the Haxe compiler.
Here is the autorun.cmd content :
@echo off
doskey /macrofile=c:\bin\cmd_alias.txt
And the alias content :
ls=ls --color $*
ll=ls -l --color $*
It was simply an incompatibility between AUTORUN reg key of cmd.exe and Haxe compiler