I've defined an ApplicationAssembly in Typhoon.
So what I want to do is say: "This class X needs to be injected with something conforming to the Foo protocol. This is a RealFoo, this is a TestFoo. When I'm running X in real life, I want it to get a RealFoo, but when I'm running my integration tests, I want it to get a TestFoo".
How can I do this?
There are several recommended ways to do this:
Use the Typhoon Patcher
Typhoon-patcher allows loading a base assembly, but with one or more components patched out with another definition, or a given object instance. Here's an example of patching out a component with a mock:
MiddleAgesAssembly* assembly = [MiddleAgesAssembly assembly];
TyphoonComponentFactory* factory = [TyphoonBlockComponentFactory factoryWithAssembly:assembly];
TyphoonPatcher* patcher = [[TyphoonPatcher alloc] init];
[patcher patchDefinition:[assembly knight] withObject:^id
Knight* mockKnight = mock([Knight class]);
[given([mockKnight favoriteDamsels]) willReturn:@[
return mockKnight;
[factory attachPostProcessor:patcher];
Knight* knight = [factory componentForKey:@"knight"];
Group Environment Dependent Components Together
Another approach is to group environment dependent components together. If you're using the XML style assembly, you can load a different set of files for production vs test scenarios, including the base assembly and any environment dependent files.
The same thing can be achieved in the block-based assembly, as follows:
TyphoonComponentFactory* factory = [[TyphoonBlockComponentFactory alloc] initWithAssemblies:@[
[MiddleAgesAssembly assembly],
[StarWarsAssembly assembly]
Knight* cavalryMan = [(MiddleAgesAssembly*) factory cavalryMan];
Knight* stormTrooper = [(StarWarsAssembly*) factory stormTrooper];
For more information consult Modularization of Assemblies in the Typhoon documentation, or check out the sample app, which contains an example of this.
Use a TyphoonConfig
Another approach is to use TyphoonConfig. Details for this feature are here.
The above example is for Typhoon 2.0. This still works fine with Typhoon 3.0, but somewhat neater is assembly activation:
MiddleAgesAssembly *assembly = [[MiddleAgesAssembly new] activate];
Knight *knight = [assembly knight];
[assembly.colloaboratingAssembly stormTrooper]