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Syntax error on my Groovy script?

I am using GroovyShell (2.1.7) to dynamically evaluate some Groovy code that I have stored off as a string.

GroovyShell shell = magicallyInstantiateAndBindGroovyShell();

The above method takes care of instantiating the shell, and binding all the required variables to it. Since I believe this is a syntax error, I won't clutter this question with all the variables the shell is being bound with, and what the code I'm trying to evaluate is actually doing. If it turns out that I need to add any more info to the question to help solve my problem, I'll happily oblige!

I then have a string of Groovy code that I am trying to evaluate: = { widget, List<String> properties ->
    WidgetVO toReturn = new WidgetVO();


    if(widget.getBuzz().equalsIgnoreCase("BIMDER")) {

    for(String property : properties) {
        if("some.prop".equals(property)) {
            toReturn.setDescriptions(new ArrayList<DescriptionVO>());
            DescriptionVO description = widget.getDescriptions().get(0);
        } else if("another.prop".equals(property)) {
            toReturn.setTitles(new ArrayList<TitleVO>());
            TitleVO title = widget.getTitles().get(0);

    return toReturn;

Which I actually have stored off as a string variable:

String code = " = { widget, List<String> properties -> WidgetVO toReturn = new WidgetVO(); toReturn.setFizz(widget.getFizz()); if(widget.getBuzz().equalsIgnoreCase(\"BIMDER\")) { toReturn.setMode(widget.getMode()); } for(String property : properties) { if(\"some.prop\".equals(property)) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(widget.getDescriptions()); toReturn.setDescriptions(new ArrayList<DescriptionVO>()); DescriptionVO description = widget.getDescriptions().get(0); toReturn.getDescriptions().add(description); } else if(\"another.prop\".equals(property)) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(widget.getTitles().get(0)); toReturn.setTitles(new ArrayList<TitleVO>()); TitleVO title = widget.getTitles().get(0); toReturn.getTitles().add(title); } } return toReturn; };

When I run:


I get the following exception:

startup failed, Script1.groovy: 1: unexpected token: for @ line 1, column 294.
1 error

No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (, java.util.ArrayList) values: {, ["some.prop", "another.prop"]}

Column 294 is the beginning of the for-loop... but to me, this seems like perfectly fine code. Am I forgetting a closing bracket anywhere? Some other syntax error? Where am I going awry? Thanks in advance!


  • You have:

    if(widget.getBuzz().equalsIgnoreCase(\"BIMDER\")) { toReturn.setMode(widget.getMode()); } for(String property : properties)

    You need a semicolon before the for...

    Why not use a multi-line string?

    String code = """ = { widget, List<String> properties ->
                    |    WidgetVO toReturn = new WidgetVO()
                    |    toReturn.setFizz(widget.getFizz())
                    |    if( widget.getBuzz().equalsIgnoreCase( "BIMDER" ) ) {
                    |        toReturn.setMode(widget.getMode())
                    |    }
                    |    for( String property : properties ) {
                    |        if( "some.prop" == property ) { 
                    |            Preconditions.checkNotNull( widget.descriptions )
                    |            toReturn.descriptions = [ widget.descriptions[ 0 ] ]
                    |        }
                    |        else if( "another.prop" == property ) { 
                    |            Preconditions.checkNotNull( widget.titles[ 0 ] )
                    |            toReturn.titles = [ widget.titles[ 0 ] ]
                    |        }
                    |    }
                    |    toReturn