I decided to use NppExec to run my Python files from notepad++, however I encountered a problem. I created a simple script with one line:
python -i $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)
and added the script to the "Menu items" in nppExec advanced options. The script appears in my macros tab and does what I need when I run it. The problem is I am unable to set a keyboard shortcut to this command. The command appears in my shortcut mapper (under plugin commands) and I can set it to
but the problem is that it simply does not work when I hit the three keys. The key combination is not the problem, as I was able to create a test macro that ran when I hit shift+ctrl+p.
Edit: More updates: the shortcuts.xml in APPDATA does change when I add the shortcut, the line:
<PluginCommand moduleName="NppExec.dll" internalID="20" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="80" />
is added. This is exactly my ctrl+shift+p command, it's there, it just does not fire.
Is anyone else experiencing this strange behaviour? Any help will be greatly appretiated.
Ctrl+Shift+P is by default assigned to Playback
command. Notepad++ is buggy when it comes to shortcut mapping, can easily create collisions. See for example open bug #3635.
My suggestion is to try to assign it to something else (personal preference is F5) and double check that it's not already assigned!