I want to add non-leaf
as well as leaf
at a same level in a GWT CellBrowser/ Cell Tree. Can i do it? if yes, how? Because while returning DefaultNodeInfo
I am not getting an option to return both kind of ListDataProviders
A simple solution would be to create a superclass or interface Node, which your NonLeafNode and your LeafNode class extend / implement:
public class NonLeafNode extends Node{
public class NonLeafNode implements Node{
Then you can give the CellBrowser or CellTree a single ListDataProvider which provides both types of node. In the underlying model, e.g. a TreeViewModel, you need to adjust the isLeaf(Object o) and the getNodeInfo(T value) functions as follows:
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if (value instanceof NonLeafNode) return true;
if (value instanceof LeafNode) return false;
return false;
public <T> getNodeInfo(T value){
if (value instanceof NonLeafNode)
// return node info for non-leaf-node
else if (value instanceof LeafNode)
// return node info for leaf node
return null;