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Error initializing UserDefinedJavaClass Pentaho Data Integration

I set up a user defined java class that generates a row for each day within a certain timespan. If I test the class using "Test class" everything works as expected. However, when the step is actually called within the process I get the following error:

013/10/28 11:45:00 - Generate Dates.0 - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Error initializing UserDefinedJavaClass:
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Generate Dates.0 - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : org.codehaus.janino.CompileException
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Generate Dates.0 - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Error initializing step [Generate Dates]
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Table output.0 - Connected to database [MSSQL Eric] (commit=1000)
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Eingabe_Currencies - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Step [Generate Dates.0] failed to initialize!
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Eingabe_Currencies: preparing transformation execution failed
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException: 
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : We failed to initialize at least one step.  Execution can not begin!
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : 
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : 
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) :  at org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans.prepareExecution(
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) :  at org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.trans.TransGraph$
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Spoon - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) :  at
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Eingabe_Currencies - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2013/10/28 11:45:00 - Eingabe_Currencies - ERROR (version 4.4.0-stable, build 17588 from 2012-11-21 16.02.21 by buildguy) : Errors detected!

The code for the class looks like this: import java.util.Date; import java.util.Calendar; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException
    Object[] r = getRow();
    if (r == null) {
        return false;

    Calendar calStart;

    calStart = Calendar.getInstance();
    calStart.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2013);
    calStart.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
    calStart.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);

    Calendar calEnd;
    calEnd = Calendar.getInstance();

    SimpleDateFormat sdfDatum=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    Calendar cal =  Calendar.getInstance();

    for(cal.setTime(calStart.getTime());cal.before(calEnd); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1))
        r = createOutputRow(r, data.outputRowMeta.size());  
        get(Fields.Out, "date").setValue(r, sdfDatum.format(cal.getTime()));}
        catch(Exception e) {}
        putRow(data.outputRowMeta, r);

    return false;

Do you have any ideas on how to solve that problem?


  • Why is processRow returning false? In the samples that returns true..

    So you're forcing your step to fail every time it processes a row.

    If thats intentional, are you using error handling or something? Can you attach a picture of the transformation and/or the .ktr file?