This is probably a very simple problem but for the life of me I can't get it to work.
I need to redirect google requests for ajax generated code to return a html template for indexing
I have the following in my urlmappings.conf
However if I enter mysite?_escaped_fragment_=200 in the browser the controller is not called
If however I enter mysite_escaped_fragment=200 the controller is called and the action executed.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Ash
You can not use '?' char in the route matching i.e. it will be ignored. Use this filter instead (put this class in the config folder w/ fileName CrawlerFilters.groovy):
class CrawlerFilters {
def filters = {
google(controller: '*', action: '*') {
before = {
boolean isCrawler = webRequest.params._escaped_fragment_ != null
if (isCrawler && !request._alreadyForwarded) {
request._alreadyForwarded = true
forward controller: 'google', action: 'getOfferDetails'