I want to make use of Google AdMob banner in my Android Activity.
I have declared the AdView in my layout.xml to have a default size (ads:adSize="BANNER").
In documentation: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/intermediate#android BANNER is declared to have a size of 320x50.
My device is HTC EVO 3D with size of 960x540.
AdView widget takes approximately 90% of screen width in portrait mode (540).
According to given sizes it should take approximately 50% of the screen.
What happens here ? Can someone explain it ?
The size for the HTC EVO is 960*540 pixels.
The Admob banner is 320*50 dip (density independent pixels). This is equivalent to the number of pixels that would be used on an mdpi device.
Since the HTC EVO is a hdpi device the banner will get scaled up to 150% of its size so to approximately 480*75 pixels.
You should be thinking and designing in dpi not pixels.