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Capybara Webkit raises InvalidResponseError "Unable to load URL"

I'm hitting an issue with Capybara Webkit where it raises the following exception when I try to run a feature spec.

Failure/Error: visit root_path
  Unable to load URL: because of error loading Unknown error

The failing spec looks like this:

it "should render a page", js: true do
  visit root_path
  current_path.should == root_path

This is the output when I use the :webkit_debug driver:

Run options: include {:line_numbers=>[72]}
Finished "EnableLogging" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Visit"
Started "Visit"
Load started
"Visit" started page load
Started request to ""
Finished "Visit" with response "Success()"
Received 0 from ""
Page finished with false
Load finished
Page load from command finished
Wrote response false "{"class":"InvalidResponseError","message":"Unable to load URL: because of error loading Unknown error"}"
Received "Reset"
Started "Reset"
undefined|0|SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent.
Finished "Reset" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""

The non-JS equivalent will pass with no exceptions raised. This version uses regular Capybara rather than Capybara webkit.

it "should render a page" do
  visit root_path
  current_path.should == root_path

It might be relevant that I'm forcing the host before each test like so:

# default_host_and_port will equal: ""
default_url_options[:host] = Rails.configuration.default_host_and_port
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{Rails.configuration.default_host_and_port}"

If I don't do that then I get issues running feature specs with regular Capybara.

Some things I've tried:

  • Running the server in the test environment and visiting the root_path in the browser (as suggested in this SO answer). It loads fine. There will be a JS console error because mixpanel cannot be found but I think it is unlikely that is causing the problem.
  • Using Rack::ShowExceptions to try to get a more detailed exception. Still get the same exception and backtrace.
  • Running rspec with the -b flag. No difference.
  • Adding to my /etc/hosts. No difference.
  • Telling Capybara to ignore SSL errors like this.

One clue:

  • When I tail the test log, I never see a request to GET / come through.


  • The only fix is to remove host setting. That's the source of error and I see no reason you need that.

    What if your tests running on a CI server or your peers' computer? They make changes to local test db but need to visit a remote server to see the changes?