My solution has been to make the object's address into a string, which should always be unique.
Below is a case where it works both ways, comparing the objects and comparing the values of str(object_a)
and str(object_b)
>>> class Thing:
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> self.x = 0
>>> return
>>> a = Thing()
>>> b = a
>>> b == a
>>> a_string = str(a)
>>> b_string = str(b)
>>> a_string
<__main__.Thing instance at 0x16c0098>
>>> b_string
<__main__.Thing instance at 0x16c0098>
>>> a_string == b_string
What is the pythonic way?
The simple sure-fire way to check for equality is ==
a == b
The simple sure-fire way to check to see if they have the same identity is is
a is b
The 2nd way (is
) performs the same check that you intend str(a)==str(b)
to perform.