I'm using berkshelf to manage cookbooks, chef 11.6.2, and nginx cookbook v 2.0.0
my settings to compile nginx from source:
set[:nginx][:source][:modules] = ["http_gzip_static_module", "http_ssl_module"]
The provisioning gives me the error:
Cookbook http_gzip_static_module not found. If you're loading http_gzip_static_module from another cookbook, make sure you configure the dependency in your metadata
Is it a bug from nginx cookbook and how do you solve it? Everything works well with nginx cookbook v 1.7.0
Many thanks.
The nginx cookbook version was increased to 2.0.0 to make an emphasis on breaking changes. Particularly now you should specify all modules with nginx:: prefix and do not use extra_modules at all. So, it should look like this now:
"default_attributes": {
"nginx": {
"source": {
"modules": [
"nginx::http_gzip_static_module", "nginx::http_ssl_module",
"nginx::http_realip_module", "nginx::http_stub_status_module",
Please look at this ticket and relevant changeset for details.