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Calling a function from a remote process using injected DLL

I saw a similar, but still different question to this, so just to clarify this is not a dupe of 13428881 (Calling a function in an injected DLL).

What I have at the minute: A DLL, injected into a target process, displaying a message box and fiddling around doing math.

What I want in the future: A DLL which can manipulate and toy with the internals of the target process.

The next step towards achieving the desired manipulation is to call a method in a remote thread within the process I'm injecting into.

Let's take an example: I have a C++ application, which has int main, let's say it looks like this:

int PrintText(string text)
    cout << text;
    return 1;

int main()
    while (true)
        PrintText("From the DLL");

Ok, so that's lovely, my target application is currently printing some text, and it seems to be doing so very happily. It's spamming it at an unbelievable rate, but I can slow it down using threads and sleeps etc if I need to. The fact is this isn't an issue, the code here hasn't been compiled or tested, and I've no intention of using this exact code. I'm actually working with a game.

Now, let's say I create a pointer to the method, PrintText, and that I know the address of it within that process. How do I go about calling it, externally, passing in arguments?

Locally, I believe it would look something like this:

int i;
int (*PrintSomeText)(string) = PrintText;

I could then call this function using a reference, like so:

i = operation("Text to be printed", PrintSomeText);

This should, by my theory, declare an integer called i, then define a pointer to a method which returns int, takes one string as a parameter, and the pointer stores the value of the pointer which was in PrintText. (Or something of that nature).

Very nice, so I can call my own functions via pointer, that's great, cracking in fact. I've truly astonished myself with this ability, and I do now feel like superman. I'll go save some babies or something, brb.

Back, so now I want to continue a little further, and take that next step. Let's say I know that the the method is at the address 100 in the target process (decimal, I will likely do it in hexadecimal, as I'm using CheatEngine / OllyDBG to find methods in the target process, but for this example we'll stay simple).

I presume that my injected DLL gets its own space entirely, does it have any higher access to the target process? How can I find this out?

Thanks for your time, Josh

Edit: A small note, I'm going through the C++ tutorial book, and it's proven so far to be very useful. I've noticed that I forgot to include my operation method, so apologies for that being missing. If it's required, let me know. Thanks!

Edit nr 2: I've just made some compilable code to test this out, since I wrote most of this free hand reading from the book without an IDE, and the IDE has finally configured itself, so here is the code I'm currently working with

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int PrintText(char * Text)
    cout << Text << endl;
    return 1;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int (*Print)(char*) = PrintText;
    char Text[] = "Hello, world!";
    int x = (*Print)("Oh my word, it really works!");
    return 0;

Note I haven't yet made it run indefinitely, so yeah, please excuse that, I'll add it shortly.


  • Dauphic is pretty much bang on, I have full control, as wildly was I'd like, to the target process. So, here's what I'm doing to call the target processes method (for any future readers interest):

    1. Locate the method in memory. To do this, I first disabled ASLR (Address space layout randomization), then created a pointer to my method locally within the target program, before using the iostream to dump the pointer to screen, now I know the address of the method.

    2. Create a typedef in the dll to be injected. This is where I got kinda stuck, but I know some guys who do this quite a lot, so I've managed to get it out of them. In my case, this is how the typedef looks:

      typedef int __printPrototype(char* text);
    3. Bind the address of the method in the target application, to a reproduction of it in the injected dll:

      int (*Print)(char*);
      Print = (__printPrototype*)0x0041121C;
      Print("I'm injecting myself into you.");


    Thanks to dauphic and a good friend named DarkstaR.